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Our Tours

Trail RidingIf you have not done it before here is a brief description of what it's all about - Trail Riding is also known as green laning, we ride on by-ways and legal rights of way across the beautiful country side of North & Mid Wales, linked up by tarmaced roads including A and B roads, so your bikes need to be road legal and have road tax, insurance and an MOT.

Our Tours

On a good day we will cover approximately 100 miles.  The day will be tailored to suit your individual needs, taking into account riding ability and fitness level.  For beginners and novices we have easy routes so you will not feel pressured into tackling obstacles you are not confident with.  However if you should wish to attempt the obstacle and do not make it, the guide will take your bike over the obstacle whilst you take a short walk.

One-to-one tuition is available for those wanting to experience green laning/trail riding without the pressure of riding in a group.

Tour options

Below are some of our tour options:

How your day will start

We will start at a time to suit you, we will then ride for 3 to 4 hours, stop for dinner and fuel, heading out again for another 3 to 4 hours.  The times will be a little less in winter.

Some things you might need (this only applies when you are bringing your own bike)

Ideally you should bring a basic tool kit including a spark plug, plug spanner and a 21 inch inner tube (this is suitable for both wheels as a short term fix).  

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